Catching Features

Central Charlestonwne

Open:16:00 Aug 11 2005
Close:16:00 Aug 21 2005
Map:/rnd-0fbp16o16orrdw8cl400826y3cdwrrh8rrrrbc/events/Central Charlestowne/day1/Course0.course
Created by:Gio
Description:long distance in a very very strong terr ain!!!i suppose that the winner time is fast 100 min...
Avg Rating:3.7 / 5.0 (10 votes)


33 official (+2 reruns) hide comments

1. SchIve Norway Halden SK 95:27  *****
GREAT race,map and course!
2. Mat Switzerland OLV Zug 98:56  
3. Gio Switzerland Gold Savosa 101:11  *****
good start, but i forget my camelb ack =)very strong race...some litt le mistake...
4. Tobi Austria OK Tyr 109:03  *****
that's not a terrian for a sprint specialist like me;)
5. J9 Finland Ylistaron Kilpa-Veljet 113:20  
6. Jeremy G Belgium Antwerp Orienteers 117:24  
what a race...
7. Strand Sweden GMOK 117:48  
... Lost 9 minutes to 4th. Had no idea where I were.. Then there was a big wall to nr 19.
8. godders Great Britain Interlopers 118:14  
9. frog Grenada run tan plan 118:17  
10. Mikko Finland 2Einsteins 118:20  *****
11. tuomo Finland Ylistaron Kilpa-Veljet 122:03  
12. Théo France Annecy SO 122:42  
13. marcusm Sweden Sävedalens AIK 128:09  
14. goofy Sweden Ok tyr 129:39  
15. Millis Sweden Sävedalens AIK 131:19  *****
Big misstake to 3:rd... otherwise we ll hard to keep the focus...
16. Martin United Kingdom SYO 138:57  *****
It's a mountain marathon! Biggest wall I've ever seen, but a nice waterfall going over it. Route choice is difficult.
17. Pevi Finland Rasti-Nokia 142:39  
Terrible race!
18. 8 Norfolk Island GMOK 146:11  
huge mistakes
19. Blackburn Finland TP 154:42  *****
20. Olga Finland OuTa 163:43  *****
Don't want to do that again... annoy ing to climb those hills up. And the re was a freaking wall between 18th and 19th control.
21. Christopher Norway OK Moss 164:16  
22. kola Russian Federation iskatel 184:14  
23. Eddie Harwood Scotland Moravian 243:05  *****
I enjoyed that. I may be slow but 30 mins on the phone made it seem worse than it was.
tschive Norway Bækkelagets SK dnf  *****
Great course but bad race!
vild-hasse Sweden OK Denseln dnf  
Ours du 69 France JOG dnf  
Chris Switzerland OLV Zug dnf  
scary Norway Asker SK dnf  
Bard Norway Halden SK dnf  
michastr Switzerland OLG Chur dnf  
pcbrent New Zealand CMOC dnf  
skimber United Kingdom DVO dnf  
Daniel Perret Switzerland OLV Zug dnf  
manne (2) Sweden Linköpings OK dnf  
pettrachek (2) Sweden OK Pers Lärjungar dnf