Step 2. Check Symbol Set

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This step allows user input





The symbol set is how the OCAD Converter decides what to do with each symbol type of the OCAD map.  Since OCAD symbols are customizable, you may need to edit the default symbol set if the symbol numbers on your map don't match the OCAD default.


When the symbols are in 'Sorted' mode, you are most concerned with symbols in the "Unrecognized" category.  These symbols are used somewhere within the convert area you selected, but are not defined, so they will be left out.


To define a symbol, right-click on the symbol number and select "Insert".  Then select the type of the Symbol Convert Parameter you would like to add.  Note that there are different parameter types available for the OCAD point/line/area symbols.


The parameter types are described briefly below.  Click for further info:


Area Vegetation

Control the trees, run speed, and colors of an area.

Area Water

Dig a hole and fill an area with water for a pond.


Add a building.


Steepen the terrain and add a cliff texture.

Clone Param

Copy another symbol.

Ground Texture

Apply a custom texture to the ground map.

Linear Contour

Tag these lines as contours for height determination.

Linear Ditch

Raise or lower the terrain along a line.

Linear Flat

Horizontally flatten the terrain along a line, for roads.

Linear 3DS

Insert a series of 3ds objects along a line.

Line To Area

Converts a line symbol to an area of a certain width.

No Terrain Cut

Prevents the terrain cutter from outlining an area.

Point 3DS

Inserts a 3ds object at a point symbol.

Point Flat

Flat terrain area around a point.

Point Hole

Raise or lower the terrain at a point.

Point To Area

Convert a point symbol to an area of certain radius.

Single Tree

Insert a single tree object at a point.

Uncrossable Area

Defines an area that the player can't cross.


Catching Features v 1.3 OCAD Converter Reference
Jari W. 2007-05-06