Catching Features

Menu Reference

Map -> Hide Map

Map view is off. This menu refers to the actual paper map visible in the game. These overlay features below are useful to align objects with their locations on the map.

Map -> Show Map 25%

This blends the map over the world (2d view) at 25% alpha.

Map -> Show Map 50%

This blends the map over the world (2d view) at 50% alpha.

Map -> Edit Map Chunks

Edit the individual map sections. Left click and drag to move them. Click on the yellow and purple squares to resize them.

If you need to add more chunks, just edit the map.txt file in the map directory. Increase the numsections value by one, then add a new secXX and dimXX pair to the bottom. Path names are relative to that map directory. Make sure you give them the right index number (the XXs), otherwise bad things happen. If you delete any sections, you have to renumber the indexes after it so they're sequential.

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