shading, triNoclip, speed and textures.
fix this things and you'll have a five stars map..
please not set a whitetexture at the cliffs. You most shade the controls!!!It's so easy with the "unshaded" controls.
ANd it was NOT funny with the 9th.I fell down in the river and it was very difficlt to get up again.
bad place for a control..
when you set underbrush0 at the "greenstripet areas"
maybe you should remove the underbrush0 at the forest0, green areas etc.
The brigdes is not funny.
You be trow upin the air at one of them and the other is just veeeryyyy slow.
the map is nice but why you set a course on the bad side of the map??
It's only flat and boring..
And an extra thing.. can't you set ariated details on the "x"-es?? too strange contour next to the river.