you need to zoom twice because the object is small..( zomm with 1, push it twice)fast sprint and read the map before running because you cant run over high fences.i think you must be good at reas map if you win;).many routs.TR:9.04 WT~ 10.commets please :
oscar. Please! houses and map are quite okey. But learn how to make a good course. Sprint is not about tricking the runners with fences and unpassable areas and bad controldescription. You should make rcs and the one who takes the best rcs in the fastest way is the winner. This is more like a labyrint ..
Can you tell me how the IMPASSABLE fence before 1 is different from the MEANINGLESS black line before 2? Had you drawn it with thick black lines as in ISSOM it would have been quite good, but this plus the description at 4 make it a lottery