About the map:
- Northlines?
- Controldecriptions?
- Baad controlplacement
- Weird with forrest at the road, and too high tree density
- very "noob-drived" contours.
But.. maybe ur first OcD.. Work some more with ur next map...
- Set northlines
- Set ctrl-descriptions
- change groundcolours
-drive softer contours, not 90' CORNERS at the contours (close to 90' at the smallest contour-knoll.)
- Do not set solid trees
-lower density in the green areas, change trees to someone there are possible to see the controls in...
- make some more contours.
-bigger map (1024x1024 instead of 512x512) ?
- No stupid unrealistic fuck-fences around the map.
Do all this things perfect and i gonna rate 5 (*****) at your next Ocad Map. :)