Short night event to start with. Map from around 2010, converted as best I could, but there may be some oddities. No buildings in settlement areas, which are not OOB. Feedback will help me improve the map (if I can) for other courses in this series.
quite fun, some controls have a bad placing (7 wrong obect, 9 no object) and rocks are a bit small for this kind of terrain, set the grass on small paths to 0 (or somthing) not merge with the surrounding
Nice map! Nothing to add to the control description, I personally seldom look at it in CF, but I usually do when fences are involved. Nonetheless, I think the map is fun and for me that is the only thing that counts!Plus the effort of uploading a course, which for me is unthinkable at the moment.
Quite enjoyed that. No control description issues - has it been fixed somehow? The description is building corner and the control was at the buiding corner, and the building is clearly north of the fence. Is this a real area or fiction?
I will give it a 2 becouse of the control description. I thougt the third control was on the inside of the fece at first. But when I looked at my control description it was on the outside. So i ran back and rounded the fence. But the control was on the inside. That made me lose koncentration and i made a huge miss