Welcome to my hometown and my first sprint map in CF. I hope you're not getting stuck;). Stairs and "road lines" are not converted. The map is pretty detailed so maybe zoom in (and highlight next 3 legs). Have fun and let me know what I can improve.
everything seems so small, strange place to live ;) an some different convertion! Du könntest die textur von der großen Mauer und von den Häusern verändern und den ein oder anderen Baum austauschen, die Palme oder den kleinen Einzelbaum, da gibt es in der Library a super 3D gebüsch das gut in die convertion passen würde :)
Very nice. Keep going. Walls could have a nicer texture and it would also be easy to find nicer single trees.
I think its convention that the map match the converted ground, got me to the 1st.