Just try to make CF race using only open orienteering Mapper and CF. It works (and why not?). Drawing seems to be quicker than by using OCAD and no user quide needed.
just wanted to share my experiences: If you convert from OCAD to OOM it can sometimes mess the color numbers up or the ranking of the colors. So it can happen that your file will not get converted fully correct anymore (just some symbols with certain colors will not get converted or even show up in the editor). So color is important for CF (haha). Never had the time to really figure it out in detail.
Well, I thought it wasn't possible to convert from OOM (since this only provides a converter from some way expensive software), but there is it. It happens I have a copy of OOM, now I only have to draw a fictional map and convert it.
Leudimin: From OOM, export your map in the OCAD 8 format needed by the converter.
My Africa maps were all created using Mapper and then converted.
Color, good info thanks. I had that problem, didn't get why but, with help, I did manage to change the colour order manually so previously hidden features finally appeared on the map.
Leudimin: If you have OCAD format files of maps or can get them, you can import OCAD format to OOM and edit for CF competitons - may be it's obvious but anyway :)