La cursa puntuable per la I Copa Catalana de e-Orientacio. Pla dels Morars, mapa fet per Eduard Vizcaya. Criteris de puntuacio a Puntuaran tots aquells inscrits a la cursa del cap de setmana.
A gaudir!
Map is nice, conversion is not terrible, but you should really check the control location(using the 3d view on cfedit). One control was not on top of the hill, another not in the reentrance, another one inside a tree....
Good course with some minor faults and problamatic course setting.
I don't like control setting in the greens without any distinct points to use.
The forest sampled in this forest is of standard type, didn't find anything changed or elaborated with.
Enjoyed the race, good work!
Mi opinion no es muy significativa porque es la primera carrera CF oficial que hago. Me ha gustado mucho, cambios de direccion y algunas un poco mas dificiles en los verdes. Muchas gracias!!!